Appeal on 3.2.2

Appeal on 3.2.2

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Number of workshops/seminars/conferences including programs conducted on Research Methodology, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and entrepreneurship during the last five years.
          Upon reviewing the evaluation criteria and the activities undertaken by our college, we believe that there may have been a misunderstanding and oversight that led to the low mark. We would like to request a reconsideration of this assessment since our college has conducted a series of seminars and workshops including Research Methodology, Intellectual Property Rights and Entrepreneurship which amounted to a total of 140 and which, we believe, according to NAAC’s benchmark qualifies for 4 marks.
Click here to open the Detailed report of activities during the last 5 years
          As per the evaluation, our college was awarded only 1 mark out of 4, which we believe, does not accurately reflect our extensive efforts and accomplishments in organizing these events. The number of workshops/seminars/conferences including programs conducted on Research Methodology, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and entrepreneurship during the last five years is 140 while the recommended input of DVV is only 14 as shown in the tables below respectively.

The table below provides a breakdown of workshops/seminars conducted relating to Research Methodology, Intellectual Property Rights and Entrepreneurship


          Workshops/Seminars conducted on Research Methodology- 6
Sl No Date Name of Programme Link to Detailed Report
1 29th July One Day Workshop on Using E-Resources for Teaching and Research click
2 11th August Awareness on Cyber Security&Emerging Technologies click
3 27th September Pursuing Masters/PhD in the United States click
4 27th October Legal Awareness on Cyber Crime and Laws click
5 3rd February One Day Seminar on Cyber Security & Emerging Technologies click
6 21st to 28th June International Seminar on Research Methodology click
            Workshops/Seminars conducted on Intellectual Property Rights- 2
Sl No                  Date Name of Programme Link to Detailed Report
1 2nd August Webinar on Intellectual Property Rights Awareness click
2 25th June Seminar on Intellectual Property Rights click
                         Workshops/Seminars conducted on Entrepreneurship- 12
Sl No Date Name of Program Link to Detailed Report
1 31st August Seminar on Sensitization of Job Opportunities for Students click
2 13th September Seminar on Financial and Digital Literacy click
3 27th September Workshop on Career Awareness: Learn, Connect and Achieve your Goals click
4 29th September Freedom Fest on Entrepreneurial Opportunities for Mizo Youth click
5 20th September Skill Development and Entrepreneurship click
6 6th October Lecture on Entrepreneurship click
7 11th November Seminar on Entrepreneurial Job Drive click
8 30th November Seminar on Career Guidance cum Financial Literacy click
9 24th February Seminar on Career Guidance click
10 16th March Seminar on Wellness and Career Counselling click
11 13th April PDP on Interview Skills click
12 4th May Commerce Conclave &Alumni Meet click


          Workshops/Seminars conducted on Research Methodology- 4
Sl No Date Name of Programme Link to Detailed Report
1 20-21 September Two-Day International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic Research click
2 28th September Workshop on Research Proposals and Project Mobilisation click
3 5th April Awareness campaign on Cyber Crime click
4 28-29 April Two-day Workshop on Quality Education Initiatives click
           Workshops/Seminars conducted on Intellectual Property Rights- 0
                      Workshops/Seminars conducted on Entrepreneurship- 9
Sl No Date Name of Program Link to Detailed Report
1 14th October Softskills for Entrepreneurship click
2 29th October Webinar on Career Awareness click
3 22nd March Interview and Communication Skills click
4 6th April Seminar on Financial Management click
5 7th April Seminar on Payment System on Import and Export click
6 12th April Webinar on Positioning Oneself for Career Success click
7 19th April Commerce Conclave click
8 20th April Career Opportunities click
9 22nd April Workshop on Banking Career Awareness click



          Workshops/Seminars conducted on Research Methodology- 0
             Workshops/Seminars conducted on Intellectual Property Rights- 1
Sl No                  Date Name of Programme Link to Detailed Report
1 25th June Intellectual Property Rights click
                  Workshops/Seminars conducted on Entrepreneurship- 3
Sl No Date           Name of Program Link to Detailed Report
1 11th November National Webinar on Technology and its Impact on Accounting click
2 26-28 November Workshop on Competence and Capacity Building click
3 1-3 December Webinar on Personality Development click



          Workshops/Seminars conducted on Research Methodology- 0
        Workshops/Seminars conducted on Intellectual Property Rights- 0
         Workshops/Seminars conducted on Entrepreneurship- 6
Sl No Date Name of Program Link to Detailed Report
1 22nd October Laying Foundation for Successful Life Career click
2 23rd October Flower Arrangement and Marketing click
3 28th October Workshop on Career Advancement: Start Early and Explore click
4 28th October Seminar on A Way to Success click
5 30th October Meet the Entrepreneurs click
6 7th February Awareness on Accountancy click


          Workshops/Seminars conducted on Research Methodology- 0
             Workshops/Seminars conducted on Intellectual Property Rights- 0
              Workshops/Seminars conducted on Entrepreneurship- 3
Sl No Date Name of Program Detailed Report
1 7th February Workshop on Financial Freedom in Networking Industry click
2 11th February Personal Development Programme on Management Skills click
3 14th February Why Entrepreneurship click

Thus, the total number of workshops/seminars conducted on Research Methodology. Intellectual Property Rights and Entrepreneurship during the last five years is summarized as below:

2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19
20 13 4 6 3


Sl No Area No of programs conducted
1 Research Methodology                 10
2 Intellectual Property Rights                   3
3 Entrepreneurship                 33
                                                                        Total     46

However, as stated before, the recommended input of DVV is as below:

Recommended Input :


          NAAC has a benchmark of 4 marks for institutions conducting more than 40 workshops//seminars/conferences including programs conducted on Research Methodology, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Entrepreneurship during the last five years, a criterion that our college has exceeded by a considerable margin. However, the recommended input by NAAC in the DVV is a total of only 14 seminars and workshops, whereas our institution has far surpassed this figure with 140 events organized. Thus, despite a substantial record over the last five years, the assessment awarded only 1 mark, which we feel does not align with the benchmark set by the NAAC or the actual contributions made by our college.

          Also, if only seminars and workshops conducted in the specific areas of Research Methodology, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Entrepreneurship are to be taken into account, we would like to point out that our college has a total number of 46 programs relating to such areas which were conducted during the last five years.

          We firmly believe that our substantial efforts and contributions to the field of academic development and knowledge dissemination should be duly recognized and reflected in the assessment.

          We therefore humbly appeal for your kind attention and reconsideration of the marks awarded for the criteria.

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