Workshop and Seminars

Workshop and Seminars

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Voting Rights and Election Process

Voting Rights and Election Process

ghbcmzonlineOct 11, 20231 min read

The awareness campaign on “Voting Rights and Election Process” was a thoughtprovoking event that aimed to deepen the participants’ understanding of theimportance of democratic participation, voting rights, and the electoral process.Held on the 7th of March 2019 at the Golden…

Seminar on Energy Conservation

Seminar on Energy Conservation

ghbcmzonlineOct 11, 20231 min read

4th PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMEIn pursuance of the action plan set, the department organized the Personality Development Programme (PDP) on the 18th of February, 2019 (Thursday) at the College Conference Hall. Dr. Rohmingliani (HoD) Department of Economics, delivered a welcome speech…

Awareness Program on Traffic Rules and Regulations

Awareness Program on Traffic Rules and Regulations

ghbcmzonlineOct 11, 20231 min read

In pursuance of the action plan set, the department organized the third Personality Development Programme (PDP) on the 14th of February, 2019 (Thursday) at the CollegeConference Hall. Dr. Rohmingliani (HoD) Department of Economics, delivered a welcome speech by addressing students…

Personal Development Programme on “Education & Career”

Personal Development Programme on “Education & Career”

ghbcmzonlineOct 11, 20231 min read

In pursuance of the action plan set, the department organized the Personality Development Programme (PDP) on the 12th of February, 2019 (Tuesday) at the College Conference Hall. Dr. Rohmingliani (HoD) Department of Economics, delivered a welcome speech by addressing students…

Personal Development Programme on Management Skills

Personal Development Programme on Management Skills

ghbcmzonlineOct 10, 20231 min read

As per notification received from the Principal, the department organized the first personality Development Programme (PDP)onthe11thofFebruary,2019 (Monday) at the College Conference Hall .Dr .Rohmingliani (HoD) Department of Economics, delivered inaugural speech by addressing students about the programme and how it’s…

Workshop on Financial Freedom in Networking Industry

Workshop on Financial Freedom in Networking Industry

ghbcmzonlineOct 10, 20231 min read

The workshop on “Financial Freedom in the Networking Industry” was a transformative event that aimed to provide valuable insights and strategies forindividuals seeking financial independence within the networking industry.Organized by Career Counselling & Placement Cell in collaboration with Students’ Self…

Awareness Campaign on Prohibition of Firecrackers and other Pyrotechnic Materials

Awareness Campaign on Prohibition of Firecrackers and other Pyrotechnic Materials

ghbcmzonlineOct 10, 20231 min read

An awareness campaign on the prohibition of firecrackers and other pyrotechnic materials was initiated by the NSS Unit of the college to raise awareness andeducate the students about the negative effects of using such items. The program was held in…

National Workshop on Counselling Skills and Meditative Relaxation (AMR)

National Workshop on Counselling Skills and Meditative Relaxation (AMR)

ghbcmzonlineOct 10, 20231 min read

A National Workshop on Awareness Meditative Relaxation was organized and conducted by the Department of Psychology, GHBC at the ConferenceHall of the college. The resource person was Rev Father Emmanuel Lalropuia Ralte read more

One Day Faculty Development Programme

One Day Faculty Development Programme

ghbcmzonlineOct 10, 20231 min read

Prof. Margaret Ch. Zama is the assigned NAAC mentor for the college by the Mizoram University. She was the IQAC Coordinator of the MZU for their first cycle of assessment. She is reputed as one of the most competent and…

Seminar on Emerging Trends of Business in Aizawl

Seminar on Emerging Trends of Business in Aizawl

ghbcmzonlineOct 10, 20231 min read

Course objective:To provide practical exposure to the changing business landscape while nurturing students’ presentation skills and researchhabits. read more

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