Appeal on Criteria 7

Appeal on Criteria 7

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I am writing to formally appeal the score we received for Metric 7.2 in the recent NAAC assessment. Our institution had confidently anticipated a score of 4 based on our substantial efforts and the positive feedback received from the peer team.

Our Best Practices, namely “Cultivating Holistic Leaders through Clubs for Soft Skills Enhancement and Empowerment Workshops” and “Bridging Academia and Community: Fostering Authentic Engagement and Experiential Learning,” exemplify our commitment to holistic education and community integration. These initiatives are central to our educational philosophy and have been implemented with significant investment and dedication.

During the NAAC peer team’s visit, they observed the available facilities and participated in discussions that highlighted the impact of these Best Practices. Their positive comments in the peer-team report during the visit reinforced our belief that our efforts were being appropriately recognized. Given this, the score of 3 was unexpected and does not reflect the thoroughness and effectiveness of our programs.

To provide context:

Cultivating Holistic Leaders through Clubs for Soft Skills Enhancement and Empowerment Workshops: We have established multiple student-led clubs that focus on developing essential soft skills such as communication, leadership, teamwork, and emotional intelligence. These clubs conduct regular workshops and activities that empower students to become well-rounded leaders.

Bridging Academia and Community: Fostering Authentic Engagement and Experiential Learning: Our institution has created numerous initiatives that connect academic learning with real-world applications. These include community service projects, internships, and partnerships with local organizations, providing students with valuable experiential learning opportunities.

The documentation and evidence submitted, combined with the peer team’s observations, should have substantiated a score of 4. We believe there may have been an oversight or misinterpretation in the evaluation process. Therefore, we respectfully request a review of our submission and the criteria applied to Metric 7.2.

We are willing to provide additional documentation or clarification if needed to support our appeal. We are confident that a re-evaluation will affirm that our Best Practices meet the highest standards expected by NAAC for a score of 4.

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