6.5.2 Self Study Report

6.5.2 Self Study Report

Quality assurance initiatives of the institution include:

Regular meeting of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC); quality improvement initiatives identified and implementedAcademic and Administrative Audit (AAA) and follow-up action takenCollaborative quality initiatives with other institution(s)Participation in NIRF and other recognized rankingsAny other quality audit/accreditation recognized by state, national or international agencies such as NAAC, NBA etc.   Response: A. Any 4 or more of the above
File DescriptionDocument
Quality audit reports/certificate as applicable and valid for the assessment period.View Document
NIRF report, AAA report and details on follow up actionsView Document
List of Collaborative quality initiatives with other institution(s) along with brochures and geo-tagged photos with caption and date.View Document
Link to Minute of IQAC meetings, hosted on HEI websiteView Document 
Provide Links for any other relevant document to support the claim (if any)View Document 

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